
SaferGlobe, Finland’s leading independent think tank on peace and security, produces high level research and tools to promote peace and security. SaferGlobe is cross-disciplinary and brings together experts from different fields to create new solutions. 

Annually, SaferGlobe creates around ten publications including the Finnish Arms Trade report. Legally, SaferGlobe is a registered non-profit association (NGO). 

SaferGlobe’s mission is to create high quality, impactful, practically applicable and easily understandable information in peace and security based on research. SaferGlobe´s research prioritises primary sources and input from practitioners. SaferGlobe focuses on creating new ways of displaying information innovatively and uses mechanisms from data analysis to creation of databases.  

SaferGlobe’s projects range from arms control to crisis management and conflict sensitivity. The development of human security and increasing the effectiveness of conflict prevention mechanisms are key themes in our research. 


Siltasaarenkatu 4, 7 krs.
00530 Helsinki

Maria Mekri is the Executive Director of SaferGlobe, Finland’s leading think tank on peace and security as well as the Conceptual Framework Manager of the H2020-funded IECEU-project (Improving the Effectiveness of Capabilities in EU Conflict Prevention).

Maria Mekri holds a MPhil of International Relations from Cambridge University, a BA in Politics and Fine Arts from Brandeis University and an MBA from HaagaHelia University of Applied Sciences.

In addition to expertise on a wide range of topics related to peace and security, she also has years of management experience, 20+ years of academic experience in international relations and 10+ years of experience in training.