Therefore CITpax –as an "action tan/do/tank"- seeks to find solutions to national or international conflicts through mediation, facilitation and the development of bridging proposals. It uses second track diplomacy – track II- which involves civil society actors with a capacity to influence decision makers.
Its main areas of activity are the Middle East, the Mediterranean and Latin America, with a permanent office in Colombia. It has also been involved in the South Caucasus region and has extensive experience in supporting the UN Western Sahara process.
CITpax has worked closely with the OSCE, specifically in the following projects:
The Moroccan-Spanish Initiative on Mediation in the Mediterranean: CITpax organised together with the Spanish MFA the first conference in Madrid (2013) and participated actively in the organisation of the following two conferences in Rabat (2013) and in Brdo, Slovenia (2014).
CITpax has organised four training workshops on Mediation and Conflict Resolution from a Gender Perspective, addressed to women from Mediterranean civil society with ability to enter into dialogue with decision-makers. These workshops were held in Rabat, Barcelona, Toledo and Madrid (2014-2017). The OSCE has been involved in these workshops by contributing in the definition of the objectives of the workshop, the content of the program and by providing trainers and training materials.
Retreat for the Mediterranean Contact Group in Madrid (2016): an expert workshop on Track II dialogue, titled “Dialogue in Search for Social Cohesion”. The expert workshop and the related discussions during the MCG Retreat were conceptualized and facilitated by the OSCE Mediation Support Team, together with the Herbert C. Kelman Institute and the Austrian Study Centre for Peace and Conflict Resolution and with co-facilitation by the CITpax. It was hosted by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation.
Centro Internacional de Toledo para la Paz (CITpax)
C/ Fuenterrabía 2, Real Fábrica de Tapices.
28014-Madrid (España)