The Institute’s main activities primarily revolve around teaching at undergraduate, MA and PhD levels. The post-graduate studies encompass three programmes: Security Studies, Defence Studies, and Peace and Development Studies. Up to date over 1500 students got their BA degrees, 50 students graduated at MA programmes, while over 20 candidates got PhD degrees. The Institute is known for excellence in scholarship, responsiveness to changing national and regional circumstances, and the commitment to concrete improvements in security policy and conflict management. The first civilian minister of defence in independent Macedonia was (now retired) professor Trajan Gocevski, while a number of professors also served in various state (such as state secretary of defence) or NGO posts.
The Institute’s academic staff has been involved in a number of rigorous research projects, nationally and internationally. The Institute works in the following main research areas: international relations and security, conflict resolution and reconciliation, political and economic issues of security and defence, strategic management in security and defence, security sector reform, critical infrastructure protection, terrorism and counterterrorism, human security, human trafficking, environmental security, and private and corporate security.
A selected list of accomplished research projects include the following:
- Climate Change and Security: a Global Issue in a Local Context (ongoing, 2017-2018) in cooperation with Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg (BTU);
- Commentary of the Law on Private Security in the Republic of Macedonia (2016), in cooperation with St. Kliment Ohridski University (Bitola) and the Chamber for Private Security of the Republic of Macedonia;
- Defence Reforms in Macedonia (2014-2015) in cooperation with the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Macedonia;
- Civic and Uncivic Values in Macedonia: Value Transformation, Education and Media (book project) (2010-2012), in collaboration with CSCW, PRIO, Oslo;
- Interuniversity 2nd and 3rd Cycle International Relations Study Programs in Macedonia TEMPUS IV project (2009/2012) in cooperation with Gothenburg University, Centre for Global Studies;
- UN Women-Implementation of UN SC Res.1325 on Women, Peace and Security in Macedonia (September/December 2011), in cooperation with the Ministry of Defence.
Other scientific activities (selection):
- International Conference "The Balkans Between East and West: Old and/or New Secuirty Challenges", in cooperation with the Faculty of Security, University of Belgrade, Ohrid, 5-7 September 2017.
- International Conference "Private Security in the 21st Century: Experiences and Challenges", Ohrid, 15-16 September 2015.
- International Conference "Contemporary Security Paradigms and Challenges: Theory and Practice", Ohrid, 17-19 September 2015.
Institute for Security, Defence and Peace
Faculty of Philosophy
bul. Goce Delcev 9A
1000 Skopje, Macedonia