The VCDNP staff pursues a broad and varied research agendas, including the nuclear non-proliferation regime, international organizations working in the field of non-proliferation and disarmament, the IAEA safeguards regime, accounting and safeguarding of nuclear materials (both for military and civilian purposes), peaceful uses of nuclear energy, nuclear security, arms control and disarmament.
The VCDNP has an extensive educational program. Its flagship activity is an intensive short course on nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament, which is held twice a year. This course is oriented toward diplomats and relevant officials of national governments as well as employees of international organizations; 18 courses have been conducted so far. In addition, the VCDNP holds more specialized courses, such as on IAEA safeguards, nuclear security, arms control and disarmament, introduction to non-proliferation for journalists, etc. In the spring of 2020, it held an inaugural non-proliferation introduction course for graduate and post-graduate IT and engineering students from European universities. The VCDNP actively contributes to educational courses run by various international organizations, including in particular the IAEA, the CTBTO, the UNODA, and others.
The VCDNP holds public seminars and panels on key issues on the international nonproliferation and disarmament agenda. Speakers at these events feature leading officials of international organizations and national governments as well as prominent non-governmental experts. It hosts or participates in Track 1.5 and Track 2 meetings to facilitate dialogue between various countries, including between the United States and Russia. It also serves as a platform, where NGOs from different countries have an opportunity to share their research and recommendations with the international community, including international organizations, Vienna-based national missions, and experts.
The VCDNP closely cooperates with the OSCE participating in events held under its aegis and holding its own events on topics falling under its mandate, including in particular on conventional arms control in Europe and verification.
In 2018, the VCDNP, with the support of the Austrian Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs, conducted a workshop on “Arms Control Dialogue in the OSCE Area: Lessons from the Past, Prospects for the Future?” and published a report based on this discussion offering concrete recommendations on how to revitalize dialogue and arms control in the OSCE area.
In 2020, the VCDNP partnered with three other NGOs (IFSH, GCSP, and MGIMO) to support the Essay Competition on Conventional Arms Control and Confidence- and Security-Building Measures for students and young professionals announced by the OSCE.
Donau-City Strasse 6
Andromeda Tower, Floor 13/1
1220 Vienna, Austria