OSCE Academy in Bishkek

The OSCE Academy in Bishkek was established in 2002 by the Memorandum of Understanding between the OSCE and the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic as a regional centre of postgraduate education and a forum for regional security dialogue and research.  The new Memorandum of Understanding  on further activity of the OSCE Academy in Bishkek was signed between the OSCE and the Government of Kyrgyzstan by the Foreign Ministers of Germany (CiO) and Kyrgyzstan on 31 March 2016.

The OSCE Academy currently runs two graduate programs (MA in Politics and Security and MA in Economic Governance and Development), conducts regular trainings and workshops on public policy, conflict-sensitive development and supports various research projects aimed at producing analysis of current political and security processes in Central Asia. Both educational and research programs of the Academy are regional, covering five post-Soviet Central Asian states, Afghanistan and Mongolia (beginning September 2016). Academy also considers limited amount of applications from out of region.

The OSCE Academy conducts annual conference on regional security in Central Asia and publishes series of Central Asian Security Policy Briefs. Publications from the series can be accessed at www.osce-academy.net/en/research-and-publications/policy-briefs/.

OSCE Academy
Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek
pereulok Botanichesky 1 А
Tel.: +996 (312) 54-32-00. 54-12-00
Fax: +996 (312) 54-23-13

Dr Wolters has an extensive academic and professional experience in the region of Central Asia. He has been teaching and working in Kyrgyzstan for many years, including research for his PhD project.

He holds a BA degree from the Westphalian Wilhelms University in Münster. He continued his education in Tambov / Russia, and later at the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder), Germany where he received his MA in Cultural Sciences and later, in 2012 his PhD degree for his thesis titled ‘The Politics of the Periphery. A Systems Theoretic Analysis of Political Conflicts in the Kyrgyz Republic’.

As a Visiting Professor Dr Wolters has been with the OSCE Academy since August 2013 within the partnership between the OSCE Academy and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). He has been teaching courses in Political Theory, Contemporary Security Issues and European Politics, among others.

Ms Indira Satarkulova holds LL.M degree in Comparative legal studies (NY, NY USA) and is a licensed member of the Kyrgyzstan BAR Association with successful professional experience in Kyrgyzstan and abroad in the fields of civil law, investment law, international law and arbitration.

She has taught Business law in Kyrgyz-Turkish “Ataturk-Alatoo” international University, lectured at educational training programs of the International Court of Arbitration under CTI of the KR, was an invited speaker in Golden Gate University in San-Francisco, California, USA.

She has written several articles and papers published in the Kyrgyz Republic and by Queen Mary University of London in the Vindobona Journal of International Commercial Law and Arbitration (2006)10 VJ(2).

For the period from July 2015-July 2016 Ms Satarkulova has been temporarily employed by the OSCE Center in Bishkek as a National Legal Officer.