SPP offers three master's degrees in public policy, and a specialized PhD program. The programs are tailored for students from around the world seeking careers in the public, private, and not-for-profit sectors at the local, national, and international levels. The School boasts a team of outstanding resident faculty, world-class visiting faculty made up of top researchers, and practitioners in the public policy field who bring a wide array of academic and practical subjects to SPP's diverse classroom.
The School has launched global initiatives and hosted numerous public events that have focused on developing an innovative research agenda while deepening cooperation with the Open Society Foundations and its networks. SPP has also built strategic partnerships with policy actors across the globe and is home to two policy centers: the Center for Media, Data and Society and the Center for Conflict, Negotiation and Recovery. Its Global Policy Academy (GPA) attracts top policy-makers, NGO leaders, and scholars to discuss the current challenges of global governance in fields as diverse as economic policy and development, conflict, human rights and democracy, global drugs and public health policy, and migration.
Over the past three years, GPA has collaborated with OSCE structures and institutions on its executive course on Field Analysis in Fragile States and Transitions, its annual training of policy advisers from Eastern Partnership countries, its Academy for National Human Rights Institutions, and on various occasions to promote OSCE commitments within the human dimension.
School of Public Policy at Central European University
Visiting address: Október 6 utca 7, H-1051, Hungary
Postal address: Nador u. 9, 1051 Budapest, Hungary
Tel: +36 1 327 3110
Fax: +36 1 327 3120
Email: spp@ceu.edu