The OSCE and Central Asia - Options for engagement in the context of the crisis in Afghanistan and the war in Ukraine
Stefan Wolff, Anastasiya Bayok, Rahimullah Kakar, and Niva Yau. 2023. The OSCE and Central Asia: Options for engagement in the context of the crisis in Afghanistan and the war in Ukraine. Birmingham, Hamburg, Vienna: OSCE Network of Think Tanks and Academic Institutions

Russia's War against Ukraine: Implications for the Future of the OSCE
Cornelius Friesendorf and Stefan Wolff (eds.): Russia’s War Against Ukraine: Implications for the Future of the OSCE, OSCE Network Perspectives I/2022 (OSCE Network of Think Tanks and Academic Institutions, June 2022).

Is the OSCE Sliding into Irrelevance? Engaging with human rights defenders to address the rollback of the rule of law in the European Union.
Bernhard Knoll-Tudor, Márta Pardavi, and Marta Achler. 2022. Is the OSCE Sliding into Irrelevance?
Engaging with human rights defenders to address the rollback of the rule of law in the European Union. Vienna:
OSCE Network of Think Tanks and Academic Institutions.

Report: OSCE Network Workshop "Crisis Management, Escalation Control and Sub-Regional Arms Control in the OSCE Area"
Zellner, Wolfgang, OSCE Network Workshop, Crisis Management, Escalation Control and Sub-Regional Arms Control in the OSCE Area, Hamburg: Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg, 2021.

China's Belt and Road Initiative: Implications for the OSCE
Understanding the implications of China’s BRI for the OSCE region and the problems within the region has significance for the ability of the OSCE and its participating States to continue working towards sustainable solutions. The primary aim of this project is to contribute to such an understanding.
Outputs to date include:
Stefan Wolff, China’s Belt and Road Initiative: Implications for the OSCE, Birmingham, Hamburg, Vienna: OSCE Network of Think Tanks and Academic Institutions, 2021. Download PDF
Stefan Wolff and Stephanie Liechtenstein, OSCE Engagement with China: Why and How?, OSCE Insights 2/2021 (Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2022). Download PDF ENGLISH GERMAN RUSSIAN
Stefan Wolff and Stephanie Liechtenstein, 欧安组织的对华接触:原因及方式. Download PDF CHINESE
Stefan Wolff, China: A Challenge or an Opportunity for the OSCE? Security and Human Rights Monitor, 22 April 2021. LINK
Stefan Wolff and Stephanie Liechtenstein, Is there a future for cooperation between the OSCE and China? IIP, January 4, 2022. LINK
Stephanie Liechtenstein, Stefan Wolff, Projekt «Neue Seidenstrasse»: Wie eine Kooperation zwischen der OSZE und China aussehen könnte, 10. Januar 2022. LINK

IFSH Policy Brief: The Spectre of an Arms Race in the Western Balkans
Ejdus, Filip, The Spectre of an Arms Race in the Western Balkans, IFSH Policy Brief, Hamburg: Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg, 2020.

Cross-Regional Dialogues: Launching an Informal Platform of Local Peacebuilders
Lehti, Marko, Élise Féron, Sebastian Relitz, Vadim Romashov: Cross-regional Dialogues: Launching an Informal Platform of Local Peacebuilders, Vienna: OSCE Network of Think Tanks and Academic Institutions, 2019.

Reducing the Risks of Conventional Deterrence in Europe. Arms Control in the NATO-Russia Contact Zones / Снижение рисков конвенциональногo сдерживания в Европе: Контроль над вооружениям
Zellner, Wolfgang, Philip Remler, Wolfgang Richter, Andrei Zagorski, Evgeny P. Buzhinsky, Vladislav L. Chernov, Ali Serdar Erdurmaz, Marc Finaud, Cornelius Friesendorf, P. Terrence Hopmann, Lukasz Kulesa, Igors Rajevs, Benjamin Schaller, Hans-Joachim Schmidt, Niklas Schörnig, Oleg Shakirov, Simon Weiß: Снижение рисков конвенциональногo сдерживания в Европе: Контроль над вооружениями в зонах соприкосновения России и НАТО, Vienna: OSCE Network of Think Tanks and Academic Institutions, 2018.

Religion and Security-Building in the OSCE Context: Involving Religious Leaders and Congregations in Joint Efforts
McDonagh, Philip: Religion and Security-Building in the OSCE Context: Involving Religious Leaders and Congregations in Joint Efforts, Vienna: OSCE Network of Think Tanks and Academic Institutions, 2018.

Reducing the Risks of Conventional Deterrence in Europe: Arms Control in the NATO-Russia Contact Zones
Zellner, Wolfgang, Philip Remler, Wolfgang Richter, Andrei Zagorski, Evgeny P. Buzhinsky, Vladislav L. Chernov, Ali Serdar Erdurmaz, Marc Finaud, Cornelius Friesendorf, P. Terrence Hopmann, Łukasz Kulesa, Igors Rajevs, Benjamin Schaller, Hans-Joachim Schmidt, Niklas Schörnig, Oleg Shakirov, Simon Weiß: Reducing the Risks of Conventional Deterrence in Europe: Arms Control in the NATO-Russia Contact Zones, Vienna: OSCE Network of Think Tanks and Academic Institutions, 2018.