Founded by Professor and former UiT Chancellor Ole D. Mjøs in 2002, CPS still is the only university-based peace centre in Norway. It was established with funding from the Norwegian Parliament, and with the mandate of exploring non-violent ways of handling conflicts and promoting peaceful relations between individuals, groups and states.
The English-taught, interdisciplinary, two-year MPCT programme recruits students from all over the world, fostering cross-cultural competencies. Every fall semester, the programme admits up to 29 students, and the various course modules offer the opportunity to study a broad variety of topics:
- peace theories
- international law
- political economy
- peace education
- human rights
- just/unjust war theories
- gender dimensions
- transitional justice
- DDR (disarmament, demobilization and reintegration)
The program draws on perspectives from social sciences; political science, sociology, history, pedagogics, religious studies and anthropology, as well as from psychology, law and health.
CPS research and outreach activities are concerned with aspects of critical peace studies, peace education, livelihoods in conflict-affected societies, peace mediation processes, arms control, demobilisation and reintegration. In addition, the centre has a sustainable network of international cooperation. Among our partners are universities and research institutions in Russia (Arkhangelsk, Murmansk, Petrozavodsk), Great Britain (Manchester), Germany (Hamburg), Sweden (Umeå), Kyrgyzstan (Bishkek) and Japan (Tokyo). Furthermore, CPS frequently engages in outreach activities in collaboration with relevant institutions and civil society organizations.
The UiT Centre for Peace Studies webpage:
Centre for Peace Studies
University of Tromsø
N-9037 Tromsø