Incipe - Instituto de Cuestiones Internacionales y Política Exterior

The International Affairs and Foreign Policy Institute Foundation (INCIPE) was founded in 1991 following the merger of the Center for Foreign Policy (CEPE) and the Institute of International Affairs (INCI) with the goal creating a space for dynamic conversation and analysis regarding Spanish foreign policy and international affairs.

As a forum for discussion, INCIPE organizes collaborative conferences, seminars and roundtables with public and private institutions as well as with international organizations and prestigious research centers to discuss important political issues on the national and international levels. To accomplish its goals as an organization, INCIPE funds studies and supports the publication of research regarding international relations and Spanish foreign policy.

INCIPE regularly organizes discussion activities on relevant topics about international politics, specially, conferences, seminars and working breakfast. The sessions have been attended by analysts, diplomats, military personnel, politicians, journalists, academics and other experts. On May 10, 2018 INCIPE organized a working breakfast on “The Slovak OSCE Chairmanship 2019”, with the intervention as guest speaker of Mr. Lukáš Parízek, State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic.

Other past activities include: a round table on the “Humanitarian Law and New Technologies in armed conflict: an ICRC perspective”, in cooperation with the ICRC-Geneva, with the participation of Mr. Vincent Bernard, Head of Law & Policy Forum, International Committee of Red Cross (may 16, 2018); a round table on “Bosnia and Herzegovina: Integration process into the EU and NATO”, with the participation of Mr. Josip Brkić, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina (January 23, 2018); a Working Breakfast with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland, Mr. Timo Soin, on “The Security of Europe – a Northern Perspective” (January 18, 2018).

For more information on the INCIPE’s activities see:

Alberto Aguilera 7 – 6º dcha. 28015
Madrid (España)
Telfs: +34 91 445 58 47/48
Fax: +34 91 445 74 89


Vicente Garrido Rebolledo

General Director
Professor of International Relations and Security Studies


Vicente Garrido-Rebolledo is professor in International Relations and Security Studies at the King Juan Carlos University, Madrid. Specialization in disarmament, arms control and (non) proliferation of WMD, with more than 200 articles and 20 books published as main author and/or editor.

Since 2002 he is the General Director of the International Affairs and Foreign Policy Institute Foundation (INCIPE), a Spanish prestigious independent think-tank, established in 1988 ( Member of the Advisory Board on Disarmament Matters of the United Nations Secretary General (2014-2017) and member of UNIDIR Board of Trustees. Associate member of the EU Non-Proliferation Consortium (established in 2011 by the EU Council).

In 2009-2010 professor Garrido served as Senior Adviser for Non-Proliferation and Disarmament issues at the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation. Since 2015 he served as a Senior Adviser at the Spanish MFA in the field of non proliferation of WMD and disarmament issues.