Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University, Department of International Relations (AYBU)

AYBU is a major public research university using English as a language of instruction. The University is offering education with 12 faculties, 1 school, 1 state conservatory, 3 vocational schools, 5 graduate schools and 15 application and research centres. AYBU is offering 100% English education in the fields of Medicine, Engineering and Natural Sciences, Political Sciences, Business Administration, and in the Faculty Humanities and Social Sciences.
The Department of International Relations was established within the body of Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University's (AYBU) Faculty of Political Science, which offers education with the purpose of contributing to address the increasing need for international relations/foreign policy specialists of Turkey, and public and private sector staff to be able to understand developing multidimensional international relations and be aware of the needs of our age.