Centre for Military Studies, University of Copenhagen (CMS)


Based in the Department of Political Science at the University of Copenhagen, Center for Military Studies (CMS) is an independent university research centre focusing on policy-relevant research and research-based innovation and information that identifies options for Denmark’s defence and security policy in a time of increased uncertainty.

Research at CMS is thus a means to identify policy options in a complex, interconnected security environment. We work closely with the Danish Ministry of Defence, the Danish Armed Forces and other national and international stakeholders to investigate issues and develop ideas and options. CMS also takes part in teaching and research at the Department of Political Science.

CMS was established in 2010 by the political parties behind the Danish Defence Agreement. The Centre employs around 15 people including researchers, military officers, research assistants and PhD-students. The management of the Centre includes Director, Senior Researcher Henrik Breitenbauch, and Deputy Director, Senior Researcher Kristian Søby Kristensen.

University of Copenhagen
Faculty of Social Sciences
Department of Political Science
Centre for Military Studies
Øster Farimagsgade 5
1353 København K



Henrik Ø. Breitenbauch
Head of Centre, Senior Researcher


Henrik Breitenbauch is a researcher and policy analyst with a track record of international and domestic agenda setting in defence and security, strategy processes, national security and defence planning as well as strategic foresight and futures studies. He has extensive experience with political and strategic analysis, policy development, policy formulation and he is a diligent expert commentator in the public debate in Denmark.

Among other things, he has recently contributed to NATO strategy development and he has been a strong advocate for Denmark introducing a national foreign and security policy strategy – a strategy that was first formulated in 2017.