Association for International Affairs (AMO)

AMO is a non-governmental not–for–profit Prague-based organization founded in 1997. Its main aim is to promote research and education in the field of international relations. AMO facilitates expression and realization of ideas, thoughts, and projects in order to increase education, mutual understanding, and tolerance among people.

The three main pillars of AMO activities include education, research, and international projects. Thus, AMO represents a unique and transparent platform where academics, business people, policy makers, diplomats, media, and NGOs can interact in an open and impartial environment. AMO is active not only in Prague and on the national level, but also in other Czech regions. It runs projects in Central and Eastern Europe as well, particularly in Ukraine and Belarus. Additionally, AMO shields the Prague Student Summit, its oldest and biggest project, aimed at elementary school, high school, and university students. 

In 2016, AMO ran a project called Future of NATO beyond Warsaw Summit, aim of which was to deepen the involvement of policy makers in security related issues through four in-depth round table discussions with relevant stakeholders, publishing briefing papers, and running blogs.


  • formulates and publishes briefings, research, and policy papers
  • organizes international conferences, expert seminars, round tables, and public debates
  • organizes educational projects
  • presents critical assessments and comments on current issues for local and international press
  • creates favorable conditions for the growth of a new generation of experts
  • supports interest in international relations among the general public
  • cooperates with a number of like-minded local and international institutions


Association for International Affairs (AMO)
Žitná 608/27 
110 00 Prague
Czech Republic

Vít Dostál is Research Director of AMO. He specializes in Central Europe, in particular Poland. He also covers Czech foreign and European policy.

He has worked for AMO since 2006 and has been the research director since 2013. He is responsible for the strategic development and fundraising activities of the AMO Research Centre, coordinates the research team and supervises AMO’s research projects and publications. He is the chief editor of the annual book on Czech foreign policy “Agenda for Czech Foreign Policy”. He has published on Czech foreign policy, Central Europe and the European Union for various Czech and international papers. Vít graduated from European Studies at Masaryk University in Brno.

In 2016, Vít chaired a panel discussion in Prague called Options for Returning to Comprehensive and Co-operative Security in Europe that concentrated on peace and security in Europe since the 1990s, including what challenges the current and constantly evolving security environment poses for OSCE.