IIRPS conducts three-level studies: BA in Political Science and six MA Master programmes: International Relations and Diplomacy, European Studies, Comparative Politics, Public Policy Analysis, Politics and Media and Eastern European and Russian Studies (the latter delivered in English). We also conduct full time and external PhD studies.
For more than ten years IIRPS remains amongst the top choices among Lithuanian high school graduates attracting students with outstanding exam achievements. On different criteria the Institute boasts the most motivated students who excel in their studies and are actively involved into social life of the Institute.
The Institute, the first political science research institution in the independent Lithuania, is already becoming the leading social science research centre in the Baltic States. Relevance of research problems, originality of solutions and the interdisciplinarity are the main principles of our research.
We seek to contribute to the development of political science in Lithuania by conducting original and valuable research, disseminating its results to the academic community, policy makers and all those interested in political life.
The Institute is proud to have gathered together a number of prominent experts on national, European and international politics who are renowned for their competent and original public commentaries, expert knowledge and professional experience. Our experts conduct both critical analysis of contemporary social science issues, political philosophy, international relations, and policy oriented research, for example, in policy administration and public policy analysis. They have contributed extensively to the analysis of Lithuania’s accession into the EU and NATO and its role in these organizations and other international structures, country’s relationships with its neighbors in the region, including Nordic-Baltic countries, Poland as well as Eastern partners.
In the Institute we believe in freedom and span of academic ideas, mindset of critical and creative thinking, professional ethical values based on mutual respect, cooperation and results oriented management.
These principles are the core values of Institute’s philosophy shaping our academic programs and research, the work of our administration and scholarly community, interaction of faculty members and our students.
The institute is recognized as a reliable partner participating in and co-hosting important political events in Lithuania and Baltic region.
Members of our alumni network can be found through the entire Lithuania’s and EU institutions, diplomatic corps, President, Parliament, Government and other offices, major public relations and communication companies, national and international nongovernmental organizations and think-tanks, private companies.
The Institute of International Relations and Political Science
Vilnius University
Vokiečių str. 10
LT-01130 Vilnius
Tel.: + 370 5 2514130
Fax + 370 5 2514134
E-mail: tspmi@tspmi.vu.lt