Institute for Strategic Studies (ISS)

Established in 1990, the Institute for Strategic Studies is engaged in the study of Mongolia’s over-all security environment and international foreign and defense policy cooperation so as to promote a more comprehensive understanding and implementation of the national security and foreign policy concepts of Mongolia.

Mongolia’s transition from a communist state to a democratic one brought many changes to the way of life of Mongolians. It also considerably changed the national development policy as well as how Mongolia views its own security environment. These changes and transformations demanded the expansion of the scope in the scientific research Mongolia’s foreign and security policy as well as the policies of neighboring countries and regions.

Bearing the above in mind in May 2006 the Government of Mongolia up-graded the Institute’s status to independent research arm of the National Security Council of Mongolia. With the change of the status, the basic areas of scientific research, its content and methodology are also being changed bringing it closer to the level of security and strategic study institutes of developed countries.

Today, the Institute for Strategic Studies with more than 30 partner institutions in over 20 countries works internationally and domestically to fulfill its role as both an academic center for scientific research as well as the front line of Mongolian security and strategic studies.

Since Mongolia joined the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe in November of 2012, the Institute for Strategic Studies has been closely working with the OSCE secretariat and other OSCE related institutions. To just name a few examples, in June of 2012 Mr. Lamberto Zannier, the Secretary General of OSCE paid a working visit to the ISS. In the summer of 2013 Dame Audrey Glover, head of the OSCE Election Observation Mission to Mongolia met with researchers of ISS to discuss the EOM of the 2013 presidential elections and ODIHR related issues, and in September of that year, the OSCE research center at the University of Hamburg /CORE/ with the ISS and the MFA organized an OSCE Induction course for Mongolian civil servants.

Central P.O. Box 870
Partizan Str. 34 Zip code: 14250
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
phone: [976-51] 264000
fax: [976-11] 328188

Damba GANBAT is the Director of the Institute for Strategic Studies of Mongolia. He is advisor to the President of Mongolia and a member of the Advisory Council to the Minister of Foreign Affairs. Mr.Ganbat has Ph.D. in Political Science. Before October 2010, he was an Executive Director of the Academy of Political Education since 1999. Now he is a Chairman of the Board of the Academy. He is also Secretary General of Mongolian Political Science Association, Member of the Doctorial Dissertation Committee in Political Science.

He has published articles examining democratization, democratic and authoritarian values, elections, political party development, and on principles of foreign and security policy of Mongolia.