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My latest, and Open Access: "The End of Conventional Arms Control and the Role of US Congress" in the fantastic……

Tomorrow, 11th #armscontrol meeting of 24 like-minded West and Central European Countries in Berlin. We will discu……

Modernizing conventional arms control in the Euro-Atlantic region…
News and Events
- September 2019: 9th Structured Dialogue in Vienna will go ahead with discussions on risk reduction and some other topics which must be determined. The date of the meeting will be finalized later. Only two meetings are planned for the Structured Dialogue in 2019.
- 10 May 2019: 11th meeting of the like minded Group of 24 States in Berlin. They will discuss ways and means of a modern conventional arms control regime and how it can be adapted to new political and military-technological developments.
- 7 May 2019: 4th Military expert level workshop within the the Structured Dialogue. It discussed in an open and thorough manner ways and conditions to improve the level of transparency leading to trust, practical suggestions for reducing risks stemming from certain military activities including SNAP exercises, current mechanisms for prevention and management of military activities that could lead to incidents and best practices to reduce the possibility of incidents.
- 6 May 2019: 8th Structured Dialogue in Vienna discussed transparency, risk reduction and incident prevention and counter-terrorism. The discussions in the Structured Dialogue have lead to qualitative improvements in the data exchanges of conventional arms control.
- 14-15 March 2019: International Conference of the German Federal Foreign Office on: ' Capturing Technology. Rethinking Arms Control in Berlin. Further information is provided under the following link:
- 12 February 2019: Members of the Drafting Group of the OSCE Network of Think Tanks and Academic Institutions presented in a power breakfast at the OSCE in Vienna the results of their report about 'Reducing the Risks of Conventional Deterrence in Europe.
- 1 February 2019: The OSCE ambassador of Netherlands, Jeroen Boender, became the new chairmen of the Informal Structured Dialogue for 2019.
- 23 January 2019: 10th meeting of the like minded Group in Berlin. The Group discussed its achievements and the current status of conventional arms control in Europe. The Group was further enlarged by Albania and Slovenia to 24 member states.
Latest Information on Conventional Arms Control and Confidence- and Security-Building Measures in Europe
This page provides a broader audience of security experts and anyone interested with regular information of Conventional Arms Control (CAC) and Confidence and Security Building Measures (CSBMs).
The information is provided by the Coordinators of Arms Control and CSBMs of the OSCE-Network of Think Tanks and Academic Institutions:
Hans-Joachim Schmidt (Peace Research Institute Frankfurt/Main, PRIF) and Iztok Prezelj (Faculty of Social Sciences/University of Ljubljana).
We want to inform about news, planned events, publications and documents in these fields of arms control. This page wants to enlarge and deepen the knowledge on CAC and on CSBMs as well as to provide the opportunity for further political and academic discussions in order to promote Conventional Arms Control and CSBMs in Europe and beyond.
Latest News can be found under
All users are very kindly invited to contribute to the information provided here: Please inform the Coordinators Iztok Prezelj and Hans-Joachim Schmidt about news, upcoming events, publications and documents in the fields of CAC and CSBMs in and for Europe.