News and Events
- September 2019: 9th Structured Dialogue in Vienna will go ahead with discussions on risk reduction and some other topics which must be determined. The date of the meeting will be finalized later. Only two meetings are planned for the Structured Dialogue in 2019.
- 10 May 2019: 11th meeting of the like minded Group of 24 States in Berlin. They will discuss ways and means of a modern conventional arms control regime and how it can be adapted to new political and military-technological developments.
- 7 May 2019: 4th Military expert level workshop within the the Structured Dialogue. It discussed in an open and thorough manner ways and conditions to improve the level of transparency leading to trust, practical suggestions for reducing risks stemming from certain military activities including SNAP exercises, current mechanisms for prevention and management of military activities that could lead to incidents and best practices to reduce the possibility of incidents.
- 6 May 2019: 8th Structured Dialogue in Vienna discussed transparency, risk reduction and incident prevention and counter-terrorism. The discussions in the Structured Dialogue have lead to qualitative improvements in the data exchanges of conventional arms control.
- 14-15 March 2019: International Conference of the German Federal Foreign Office on: ' Capturing Technology. Rethinking Arms Control in Berlin. Further information is provided under the following link:
- 12 February 2019: Members of the Drafting Group of the OSCE Network of Think Tanks and Academic Institutions presented in a power breakfast at the OSCE in Vienna the results of their report about 'Reducing the Risks of Conventional Deterrence in Europe.
- 1 February 2019: The OSCE ambassador of Netherlands, Jeroen Boender, became the new chairmen of the Informal Structured Dialogue for 2019.
- 23 January 2019: 10th meeting of the like minded Group in Berlin. The Group discussed its achievements and the current status of conventional arms control in Europe. The Group was further enlarged by Albania and Slovenia to 24 member states.
- 7 November 2018: 2. International workshop of the OSCE Network of Think Tanks and Academic Institutions on 'Conventional Arms Control in Europe' at RIAC in Moscow. The draft report was discussed with Russian experts.
- 25 October 2018: Seventh Structured Dialogue in Vienna touch on intentions and an expert briefing on the outcome of the mapping meetings in this year.
- 5 October 2018: 9th meeting of the like minded Group in Berlin.
- 19-21 September 2018: Sixth Structured Dialogue in Vienna together with the third mapping meeting in a mixed order. The sixth Structured Dialogue focused on Wednesday on scurity concerns related to modern warfare and on Thursday on Hybrid Warfare in a more diffuse manner. The third mapping meetind discussed on Wednesday first military incidents and on Friday military exercises.
- 19-20 July 2018: 1. International workshop of the OSCE Network of Think Tanks and Academic Institutions on 'A New Concept for Conventional Arms Control' at the Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg. A summary of the results will be published later.
- 13-15 June 2018: International Conference: In Times of Eroding Cooperative Security - How to save Conventional Arms Control in Europe. Organizers: FES Regional Office for Cooperation and Peace in Europe and Protestant Academy Loccum. The conference was conducted under chatham house rule. Most papers will eventually be published in September either as a volume of the Loccumer Protokolle or in a FES format.
- 3-4 May 2018: Second workshop on 'Mapping' in Vienna.
- 25 April 2018: 8th meeting of the like-minded Group of States in Berlin: The Group was enlarged further to 22 States by the participation of Greece. Discussions were conducted in a constructive way on goal and purpose of a possible future conventional arms control regime.
- 16 April 2018 Vienna: Fifth meeting of the Structured Dialogue was conducted in a fair and constructive manner. Risk reduction was the major topic, combating international terrorism was discussed too.
- 19 January 2018, 7th meeting of the like-minded Group of States in Berlin: Substantial discussion on parameters (goals, weapon categories, application area, transparency and verification) of a future arms control regime in Europe. Ireland was invited into the group as 21st state.
- 18 January 2018: After necessary consultations, the Permanent Council appointed Belgium OSCE Ambassador, Paul Huynen, as the new chairman of the 'Structured Dialogue'.
2017 and before
- 7-8 December 2017, 24th OSCE Ministerial Council Vienna: Ambassador Eberhard Pohl presented his report. Unfortunately, the report is confidential and will be not published.
- 8 December 2017 Vienna: Side event by the Austrian Chairmanship on the results of its CSBM workshops in 2017: A compendium on promoting military stability and security was presented but not published.
- 8-10 November 2017 Vienna: Kick-off workshop on 'Mapping' (trends of military postures and military exercises) within the format of the OSCE Structured Dialogue on expert level from capitals: The workshop discussed military capabilities, principles, scope, application area, time frame and sources of data. Further progress will depend on the activities of the new OSCE Chairmanship (Italy).
- 1 November 2017 Helsinki-Moscow: Telephone line opened between Finnish and Russian defence administrations for disruptions and emergency situations. See also: TASS, Russian, Finnish military establish direct exchange line to prevent incidents.
- 19-20 October 2017 Vienna: Third Break-out Workshop on CSBM (Vienna Document 2011) under Austrian Chairmanship.The Agenda includes military to military dialogue, enhanced transparency with regard to military activities, and incident prevention and response mechanism.
- 10 October 2017 Vienna: Fourth meeting of the OSCE Structured Dialogue. It focused on military to military contacts, a better use of OSCE instruments and trends of military postures and military exercises.
- 29 September 2017 Berlin: Sixth meeting of the like-minded Group of States supporting a re-launch of CAC in Europe. The Group was further enlarged by the invitation of Hungary, Latvia, Liechtenstein and Luxembourg. It consists of 20 states now. (meeting was re-sceduled from 8 to 29 September because diplomatic activities were to dense at the former date).
- 6-7 September Berlin: Track one and a half conference “Making Conventional Arms Control Fit for the 21st Century”. Further details and topics are to be decided.
- 5 September 2017 Vienna: Third meeting of the OSCE Structured Dialogue. It focused on appropriate instruments in dealing with the growing number of compliance issues and the erosion of the rule-based security order in Europe.
- 11 July 2017 Vienna: Informal Meeting of the OSCE Ministerial Council, most likely including a segment on the Structured Dialogue.
- 5 July 2017 Vienna: Joint meeting of the Forum for Security Cooperation and the Permanent Council to assess Structured Dialogue.
- 28 June 2017 Vienna: Special Session on Structured Dialogue during the OSCE Annual Security Review Conference (ASRC 2017).
- Job opportunity: an open position for a CSBM officer at OSCE. Check
- 12-13 June 2017 Vienna: Second Break-out Workshop on CSBMs (Vienna Document 2011) under Austrian Chairmanship. The Agenda covered reflection of force postures and certain military activities, relevance of adapting the scope of forces and its impact on information and verification, and strengthening risk reduction mechanisms.
- 6 June 2017 Vienna: Second meeting of the OSCE Structured Dialogue. The meeting will focus on Military Force Postures in the OSCE area.
- 23-26 May 2017 Astana: Training seminar for military officers on CSBM.
- 9 May 2017 Berlin: Fifth meeting of the like minded Group of States for supporting a re-launch of CAC in Europe (no statement). The group will invite other interested states and want to go ahead with its discussions.
- 4-5 May 2017 Vienna: Military Doctrine Seminar by the Chairman in Office (as a part of the Structured Dialogue).
- 18 April 2017 Moscow: Midweek Brainstorming Sessions on the prospects of conventional arms control in Europe, PIR Center (see statement below).
- 7 April 2017 Vienna: First meeting of the Informal Working Group (IWG) Structured Dialogue on Converging and Diverging Threat Perceptions in the OSCE area.
- 17 March 2017 Vienna: Kick-off event for the Informal Structured Dialogue at ambassadorial level. Dialogue will be under German chairmanship.
- 1-3 March 2017 Vienna: Break-out Workshop on implementation deficits of the Vienna Document 2011 (two further Break-out Workshops are in discussion for the second half of the year, but exact dates and topics have not been decided yet).
- 28 February/1March 2017 Vienna: Annual Implementation Assessment Meeting (AIAM),
Yearly implementation review of the Vienna Document 2011. - 1 February 2017 Vienna: Special Meeting Forum for Security Cooperation (FSC) on the Modernization of the Vienna Document on two topics: Risk Reduction and Efficiency (see document below).
- 27 January 2017 Berlin: Fourth meeting of the like-minded Group of States for CAC in Europe (no statement).
- 23-25 January 2017 Wilton Park: Conference: Status-neutral cooperative security measures in the European context (WP1523).
- 8-9 December 2016 Hamburg: OSCE Ministerial Council (Decision on ‘a structured dialogue on the current and future challenges and risks to security in the OSCE area to foster a greater understanding on these issues that could serve as a common solid basis for a way forward’, see document below).
- 25 November 2016 Berlin: Third meeting of the like-minded group of conventional arms control in Europe to discuss its possible input into the OSCE Ministerial Meeting in Hamburg on 8-9 December (see statement below).
- 4 October 2016, Vienna: Second meeting of the like-minded Group of States for CAC in Europe (enlarged to 16 states, no statement).
- 3 October 2016 Vienna: OSCE Security Days (see documents below)
- 16 September 2016 Berlin: First Meeting of the like-minded Group of States of CAC in Europe (9 states, no statement).
- 1 September 2016 Potsdam: Informal Meeting of the OSCE Ministerial Council.
- 26 August 2016: Publication of German Foreign Minister Steinmeier’s Call for a re-launch of arms control in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (see document below).