Christian Nünlist is a Senior Researcher at the CSS and Head of the Think Tank Team “Swiss and Euro-Atlantic Security”. He has a PhD in History from the University of Zurich. His research focuses on Swiss foreign and security policy, transatlantic relations, and multilateral diplomacy.
Christian is the co-editor and frequent author of the monthly policy brief “CSS Analyses in Security Policy” (published in German, French, and English) and the annual yearbook “Bulletin zur schweizerischen Sicherheitspolitik” (in German).
His recent publications include Putin’s Russia and Western Security (CSS 2015), EU Foreign Policy: Mogherini Takes Over (CSS 2015), NATO after Wales: Dealing with Russia (CSS 2014), and Perspectives on the Role of the OSCE in the Ukraine Crisis (CSS 2014).
Christian has published several articles and essays on the Swiss OSCE Chairmanship of 2014, including “The Performance of the OSCE Ukraine Mission: A View from Switzerland” (2015), “Summing Up Switzerland’s 2014 Chairmanship of the OSCE” (2014), “OSCE Crisis Management in the Ukraine Crisis” (2014), “Testfall Ukraine-Krise: Das Konfliktmanagement der OSZE unter Schweizer Vorsitz” (2014), “Kidnapping for Ransom and Foreign Fighters: Two New Topics for OSCE Counter Terrorism Efforts” (2014), “Building Bridges for Everyone: Switzerland’s Chairmanship of the OSCE in 2014” (2014), and “Die Schweiz ist eine Mini-OSZE: Perspektiven auf das Schweizer OSZE-Vorsitzjahr 2014 (2013).