The Center for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan (SAM) was established in accordance with the decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev dated on November 12, 2007. SAM`s main scientific direction is based on providing supreme state bodies of the Republic of Azerbaijan with forecasts, analysis, and analytical information by conducting scientific studies on domestic, foreign and economic policy issues, as well as concerning ongoing processes both in regional and global scales.

In the course of reporting years, SAM has made tremendous achievements through scientific research and publications, analytical information, scientific-organizational and international cooperation activities.
In 2016, one of the issue of SAM Comments journal, the special edition of the Center for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, has been dedicated to the evolution of the role of the OSCE. The issue entitled "The failure of OSCE: From Regional security organization to the political tool" authored by SAM's leading research fellow Kamal Makili-Aliyev seeks to shed light on a range of topics, including formation and development of the OSCE; the features of institutional problems and the factors led to failure of the OSCE as a regional security organization.
On 5-6 December 2013, SAM's Research fellow Azad Garibov (Foreign Policy Analysis Department) attended the OSCE Ministerial Council meeting in Ukraine. Mr. Garibov participated in the 20th OSCE Ministerial Council meeting, Council's preparatory gathering as well as in its plenary session. SAM's expert has represented Azerbaijan in "Helsinki +40" process to discuss the involvement of think tanks in the work of OSCE.
SAM's Research fellow Azad Garibov has also published an article on "OSCE and Conflict Resolution in the Post-Soviet Area: The Case of the Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict?". Mr. Garibov mentioned that the Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is one of the several conflicts in the post-Soviet space in which the OSCE is involved in mediation of peace negotiations, but failed to facilitate any kind of sustainable resolution of the conflict. He provided readers with information on OSCE's peace efforts and mediation strategy, the major purpose of the Minsk Group troika's efforts etc.
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Cavid Valiyev
Head of Foreign Policy Analysis Department
Contact: cavid.veliyev@sam.gov.az
After graduating from Egean University (Faculty of International Communication) in 2002, Dr Veliyev completed his Masters Degree at University of Gazi and his Doctorate at University of Ankara. His academic studies mainly concentrate on South Caucasus politics in particular, Azerbaijan and Turkish foreign policy.
Cavid Veliyev PhD, head of Foreign Policy Analysis Department at the Center for Strategic Studies (SAM) under the President of the Republic Of Azerbaijan, where he has been working since 2009. In 2005-2009 he served as head of the South Caucasus Department at the National Security Strategic Research Center (TUSAM) in Turkey. He has authored many academic and editorial articles and reports. He has co-edited the books South Caucasus Energy, Geopolitics, Rivalry and Territorial Integrity and Main Directions of Azerbaijan Foreign Policy.