Centre for European Transformation (CET)

The Center for European Transformation (CET) was created in 2010 under the legal name of “Scientific research institution “Analytical group CET”. It is a part of the family of the International Consortium EuroBelarus (http://eurobelarus.info/en/).

The Center focuses on the following research areas: transformations in the Central and Eastern Europe and the Eastern Partnership region; eastern policy of the European Union; civil society development and its role in a policy shaping; transformation processes in some social areas including human rights, education, culture, urban development and the quality of life.

CET sees its goal in providing high-quality analytical and research support for the civil society actors oriented towards democratic changes. The Center also contributes to the organization of public conferences, round tables and other content-oriented debates on the current domestic and international problems.

We have been involved in supporting of development of Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum and its National Platforms, in particular, at the development of mechanisms for civil society participation in Eastern Partnership and strengthening the transformational potential of the Eastern Partnership. The Center maintains active contacts with partner institutions in EaP and EU countries, its researchers and analysts participate in public debate by writing articles for to various media, newspapers, periodicals and special journals.


Centre for European Transformation
Minsk 220141
Post-office box 218
Tel.: +375296185388
E-mail: [email protected]

Andrei Yahorau is the director of the Centre for European Transformation. He graduated from Belarusian State University, department of political science, and holds a master’s degree in political science. He has been working in the political research area since 2001. Andrei Yahorau is one of the founders of the only specialized political science journal in Belarus “Political sphere” and he is the journal’s deputy editor-in-chief. He was Belarus Country Facilitator and Co-Chair of the Steering Committee of the EaP Civil Society Forum (2014-2015).