Slovak Foreign Policy Association (SFPA)

Slovak Foreign Policy Association (SFPA) was founded in August 1993 as an open discussion forum on international affairs and the Slovak foreign and security policy without links to any party or movement. Its overall goal is to enable open space for free exchange of opinions and ideas on the scope of foreign policy. The SFPA is a civic association of individuals and corporate entities with interest in the area of foreign and security policy. The SFPA spreads unbiased information about international relations through its programmes based on primary sources.

In May 1995 SFPA established its Research Centre (RC SFPA) as an independent foreign policy think tank. In November 2003 RC SFPA has been re-established as a separate legal entity co-funded by SFPA and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Slovak Republic following transformation of the Slovak Institute for International Studies which was a former allowance organization of the MFA of SR. RC SFPA was registered in Bratislava County Council on January 30, 2004, as non-profit organization. In accordance with its Statute (Article III), RC SFPA provides the following publicly beneficial services:

  • prepares independent expert analyses of the key questions in the field of international relations and the Slovak foreign and security policy;
  • publishes periodical and non-periodical publications, the role of which is to enhance knowledge in the area of international relations and the Slovak foreign policy;
  • organises expert events and participates in the international expert debate concerning international relations and security research;
  • contributes to academic debate about international relations and the Slovak foreign policy;
  • provides a creative environment for the rise of a new generation of Slovak professionals in the field of international affairs;
  • encourages broader interest of Slovak citizens in global affairs and in a more profound understanding of the importance of foreign policy and its interconnection with domestic politics.

Staromestská 6/D
811 03 Bratislava - Slovakia
Tel: +421-2-5443 3151


Samuel Goda
Associate Fellow

Samuel Goda is an Associate Fellow of the Slovak Foreign Policy Association in the program of International Security. Before joining the SFPA, Samuel worked several years in the youth NGO - Euro-Atlantic Center as a project coordinator.

Since 2012, Samuel is a full time PhD candiate in International Relations at the Matej Bel University. His dissertation research focus on the role and perspectives of the OSCE in conflict resolution (management) and reconciliation. For this purpose, in 2013 he visited the Prague Office of the OSCE Secretariat. He is also student at the post-gradual Jean Monnet Module at the Comenius University in Bratislava. He has several proffessional experience from USA, Austria and Czech Republic.

His main research areas are OSCE related issues, NATO, CFSP, cyber security, multilateral diplomacy and energy security. Samuel focus on the region of Central and Eastern Europe, South Caucasus and his passion is Latin America. He speaks Slovak, English, Spanish, German, Czech and is studying Russian.