Centre for European Perspective - CEP

CEP is a Slovenian governmental organisation operating since 2006 at the initiative of the Slovenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The mission of the Centre is enhancing European perspective by various activities in the field of democratisation, security and youth. In this manner it contributes to regional stability and prosperity through developing and strengthening friendly relations with beneficiary countries and in achieving visibility of Slovenian know-how in the region. It aims to recognize challenges in the region and efficiently respond to them by featuring country particularities and request. 

CEP is an official provider of international development assistance to South-East European countries in order to support their economic, social and political development. Its activities are conducted on a request basis submitted by the beneficiary country and tailor made to suit their specific requirements.

CEP is also among organizers of the largest strategic conference in the region – Bled Strategic Forum, representative in the ENTRI capacity building programme in the field of civilian crisis management, part of H2020 granted project entitled IECEU (Improving the Effectiveness of the Capabilities in EU Conflict Prevention), active in publication, research and think-tank activities as well as in regional cooperation projects (EuropeAid, International Visegrad Fund, Danube Region Project Fund, GIZ project, Erasmus+ and among other).

CEP works with Ministry of Foreign Affairs along with other ministries and government bodies of the Republic of Slovenia, European Union EU, OSCE, OECD and other governmental and non-governmental organisations.

Centre for European Perspective (CEP)
Grajska cesta 1
1234 Mengeš


Dr Gorazd Justinek
CEO of the Foundation Centre for European Perspectives

Contact: cep@cep.si

Gorazd Justinek, PhD is CEO of the Foundation Centre for European Perspectives. He is a former diplomat and an active assistant professor of International Business. He is also the founder and editor in Chief of International Journal of Diplomacy and Economy (UK).