February 2016
By Franca van der Laan et al.
Ms Franca van der Laan from Clingendael has just finished the report on the future of police missions. For more details, please follow the link.
8 January 2016
By Petri Hakkarainen (GCSP) and Christian Nünlist (CSS, ETH Zürich)
Germany takes over the OSCE Chairmanship at a critical juncture in European security. Illusions of quick fixes to the deep strategic confrontation between Russia and the West should be avoided, but opportunities for practical confidence-building measures need to be seized. You can read the whole text here.
December 2015
CORE published the Master's Thesis by Larissa Daria Meier as its Working Paper Nr 27 titled "A Role for OSCE Peacekeeping? From the 1992 Helsinki Guidelines to the Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine".You can download the full text here.
11 December 2015
Summary: The OSCE Ministerial Council meeting, held in Belgrade from 3 to 4 December 2015, was the final highlight of the Serbian OSCE Chairmanship of 2015. With the fading Serbian OSCE presidency, the direct co-responsibility of Swiss diplomacy for the OSCE ends as well. In this blog entry, Christian Nünlist from the Center for Security Studies (CSS) at the ETH Zurich argues that Serbia deliberately decided against taking courageous political steps, and rather concentrated on maintaining the status quo of OSCE activities that Switzerland had introduced in 2014. You can read the whole text here.
10 December 2015
The Center for Security Studies (CSS) at ETH Zurich published a brief analysis on “The Concept of Countering Violent Extremism” in its monthly publication series “CSS Analyses on Security Policy”.
Summary: After the terrorist attacks in Paris, Europe is stepping up repressive measures to combat terrorism. Yet, prevention and the “soft” aspects of counterterrorism measures must also be kept in mind. The concept of Countering Violent Extremism (CVE), in conjunction with peace and development policies, has developed as part of a modern approach to counterterrorism. This creates opportunities for Swiss foreign policy.
15 September 2015
David J. Gelbreath wrote the blog for the Security and Human Rights website titled "The Death of the Helsinki Moment. Long Live Helsinki." You can read the whole essay here.
David has a forthcoming piece in the OSCE Yearbook and article in Security and Human Rights journal.
24 February 2015
David J. Galbreath wrote an article for The Conversation titled "How the Ukraine crisis brought European security back from the dead". You can read the whole article here.
Kari Möttölä was a guest editor for the Security and Human Rights Special Issue on Helsinki +40. The journal was published in 2015. For more information, please read the flyer.