OSCE Network of Think Tanks and Academic Institutions

The OSCE Network of Think Tanks and Academic Institutions is a Track II initiative. It supports co-operative and comprehensive security in the OSCE area by providing policy advice, enhancing transnational civil society interaction, and raising awareness of the OSCE.
Membership is open to research institutions from OSCE participating States and partner states that are engaged in academic and policy research on issues relevant to the OSCE. For more information on the Network and the benefits of membership, see our Information Sheet.
The Network is based on a proposal made by OSCE Secretary General Lamberto Zannier in July 2011. It was created by 16 research institutions on 18 June 2013 at the Vienna Hofburg. As of spring 2021, the Network has over 140 member institutions.
All Publications
The OSCE and Central Asia - Options for engagement in the context of the crisis in Afghanistan and the war in Ukraine
Stefan Wolff, Anastasiya Bayok, Rahimullah Kakar, and Niva Yau. 2023. The OSCE and Central Asia: Options for engagement in the context of the crisis in Afghanistan and the war in Ukraine. Birmingham, Hamburg, Vienna: OSCE Network of Think Tanks and Academic Institutions

Russia's War against Ukraine: Implications for the Future of the OSCE
Cornelius Friesendorf and Stefan Wolff (eds.): Russia’s War Against Ukraine: Implications for the Future of the OSCE, OSCE Network Perspectives I/2022 (OSCE Network of Think Tanks and Academic Institutions, June 2022).