European Security – Challenges at the Societal Level

Wolfgang Zellner, CORE/IFSH

Joint research and discussions were bundled in two workshops held in Geneva and Moscow in May and October 2016 with representatives of 16 OSCE Network institutes, other research institutes, and government officials. The outcome of the project was a paper that built on 16 studies on national security policy narratives, written by a group of authors with Wolfgang Zellner as the principal drafter. An important finding from these narratives is that they do not exactly match the standard Russian and Western standpoints, which are largely mutually exclusive and lay blame solely on the other side. The debate over Russia revealed very different approaches. The paper ends with a small set of recommendations and was launched at a side event of the 23rd OSCE Ministerial Council Meeting in Hamburg in December 2016. 


  • Workshop “European Security – Challenges at the Societal Level,” Moscow, 31 October 

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