Cross-Regional Corridors of Dialogue: Developing a Complementing Track for Transforming Long-Standing Conflicts

Marko Lehti, TAPRI

Over two years, this project provided a platform for dialogue among peacebuilders engaged in civil society and research from several disputed territories in the OSCE space. The project enabled them to network and discuss common problems and thus contributed to confidence building outside the established negotiation and contact formats. In April, a three-day experimental Cross-Regional Corridors of Dialogue Forum took place in Stuttgart, with a follow-up dialogue in Vienna in October. These two workshops piloted future informal peace-building dialogue formats. The project concluded with a lessons learned report with recommendations for the OSCE and other international organizations. 


  • Workshop “How Can Cross-Regional Dialogues Support the Transformation of Intractable Conflicts?” Vienna, 29 October 
  • Experimental Dialogue Forum “Cross-Regional and Inter-Sectional Dialogues: Developing New Approaches to Support Bottom-Up Peace,” Stuttgart, 15/18 April 
  • Workshop “Experiences and Opportunities: The OSCE as Mediator and Facilitator of Civil Society Dialogues in Long-Standing Conflicts,” Vienna, 22/23 November 

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