
First Workshop “A New Concept for Conventional Arms Control,” Hamburg, 19/20 July 2018

While the European arms control regime is quickly eroding and must be reinvigorated, States are investing more and more in deterrence capabilities, primarily with conventional armed forces. This means an increase in military units, in modern weapons, in levels of readiness, and in exercises, frequently close to borders. In this context, the Steinmeier initiative for reviving arms control in Europe was a welcome reminder that security and stability cannot be achieved via the introduction of ever more weapons but must instead be pursued by political means, including arms control. The ensuing Structured Dialogue in the OSCE has shown that there is much support for new efforts in conventional arms control, but also stiff political opposition from a number of States. 

This is not the only obstacle, however. Efforts in conventional arms control have also been hampered by a thorough lack of adequate new concepts. Discussions in 2017 resembled those in 2013. This was the rationale behind the OSCE Network of Think Tanks and Academic Institutions’ endeavor to address the issue and launch the project “A New Concept for Conventional Arms Control,” led by Wolfgang Zellner from CORE/Hamburg.

On 19-20 July, the project’s first workshop convened around 20 participants from the USA, Russia, Germany, Poland, Turkey, Latvia and Switzerland. Key points of discussion included a new leitmotiv for conventional arms control after the CFE Treaty, sub-regional arms control, new military capabilities and types of equipment, crisis management and arms control, confidence-building, transparency and verification. The participants agreed to produce a draft report to be discussed at a second workshop in Moscow in November, together with the Russian expert community.